This HANDSOME cute young adult kitty (total kitten at heart!) was rescued in 2023 along with his mom and 2 brothers. His mom a Siamese was adopted right away, but the boys had ringworm and upper respiratory so it took a couple of months for them to recover. Unfortunately all 3 boys stayed with us for too long but we are happy to say finally 2 of the brothers were adopted. Now, the last one standing is sweet Neeko. Neeko stayed at casa de ARWOB since he was rescued, sadly never found a foster for him but we got to know Neeko well and see him blossom. Neeko is used to sharing the home with many foster dogs and cats, he is a very good boy who enjoys dog friends and cat friends. Never creates any drama or has issues with other kitty personalities. He has excellent litter box manners and LOVES to play with toys, especially the wand toys. He can be the most athletic and acrobatic kitty you have ever met and jumps pretty high trying to catch the feather toy. His adorable antics include draggin his wand toys to YOU when he is bored and you haven't given him attention to remind you he would like some 'Neeko/Human" time, its pretty adorable. Neeko used to be insecure around humans and stay in the background when other cats would seek attention but after a while Neeko has learned to trust and enjoys seeking attention and love. He will approach you while in the couch, at your desk and especially in bed, he LIVES to be cuddled in bed. He does play hard to get when being picked up and trying to keep him in your arms, so being in your arms is not exactly his cup of tea and would like to get off but he is always by your side seeking you out and having litte chats while you are at your desk. He LOVES food and plays 'find your treats' as environmental enrichment.
If you are looking for a FUN, active, present, loving kitty and understand he is NOT the type of kitty to like to be held (except for quick short monster hugs) then Neeko is the kitty for you!
Neeko is a HEALTHY strong good hearted kitty who is negative for Felv and FIV. Has been a healthy kitty since he turned a year old, he is approx 2.5yrs old now and as of the first week of february he is now being fostered in a single adult, no pets, apartment home and we are learning to see how he does in his new environment as the only pet in the home.
If you'd like to Adopt or foster with intend to adopt Neeko to make sure he is the right kitty for your family we do offer week trials especially for dogs or cats who may not show well during the meet and greets which we suspect Neeko may not. If you are wondenring why he has been under rescue for so long, the answer is simple, no one has ever requested to meet him. We do request adoption applications be submitted online for review and to schedule a call follow up within 3 days of receiving the application (sometimes the next day) if approved to adopt we can move fwd to schedule meet and greets in the home he resides. We don't hold adoption events for cats hence the process is dependend on the application being submitted first. Thank you
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